Hey Lykkers! Dive into the delightful and quirky world of giraffes, nature’s skyscrapers.

Known for their towering height and gentle eyes, there’s much more to these long-necked marvels than meets the eye.

The Sleeping Giants

Giraffes sleep less than two hours a day and, when they do, they might just nap for a few minutes standing up. They rarely lie down because getting back up takes a bit of a strategic maneuver with those long legs.

A Necking Battle

Male giraffes use their necks as weapons in a form of fighting known as necking. They swing their necks fiercely at one another the sight is as dramatic as it sounds. The battles aren’t just for show; they determine who gets the attention of watching females.

Tongue Twisters

A giraffe’s tongue is about 18 to 20 inches long and is darkly pigmented, which is thought to help protect it from sunburn, a real concern when constantly reaching for the highest leaves under the African sun.

Picky Eaters

Despite their size, giraffes are quite picky. They will browse through different trees until they find their favorite type of leaves, typically from the acacia tree. This selectiveness ensures they get enough moisture and nutrients without too much water.

Silent Types

Giraffes are mostly silent, but they're not mute. Calves can moo and hiss, and adults might snort or grunt under specific circumstances, though these sounds are rarely heard in the wild.

Giraffes are not just the tallest animals on Earth, they are also among the most fascinating. With their peculiar ways and majestic presence, they continue to be one of the most intriguing subjects of study and admiration in the wild world.

Amazing Giraffe Facts You Need To Know!

Video by Facts Net